Why Cats Can’t be Vegetarian

Duration: 06:14

Why Cats Can't be Vegetarian
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Course Description

Many people who choose to be vegetarian do so for ethical reasons. But while a vegetarian diet may be a good choice for us, it’s unhealthy and dangerous for our cats.

Things to Learn.

Learn how cats digestive system works and why a vegetarian based diet biologically cannot sustain your feline companion.

Who this course is for:

Types of animal this course is for:


  • Veterinarian Dr. Karen Shaw Becker received her degree from the Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine. She owns/operates Natural Pet Animal Hospital, Feathers Bird Clinic, TheraPaw Rehabilitation and Pain Management Clinic and Covenant Wildlife Rehabilitation in Illinois. She co-authored Real Food for Healthy Pets and hosts a holistic animal wellness website (mercolahealthypets.com)

Course Includes

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