The basics of canine hydration: what dogs need and why

Duration: 04:31
The basics of canine hydration: what dogs need and why
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Course Description

You know that life cannot exist without water. But do you know how your dog’s hydration needs differ from your own?

Things to Learn

In this course, we’ll look at how water regulation differs in humans and dogs, with a focus on the physiology of canine dehydration and overheating — conditions that can quickly become life-threatening.


  • AW ACADEMY is a natural extension of our 25 years of experience publishing Animal Wellness, Equine Wellness and Innovative Veterinary Care Journal. We believe that everyone has a responsibility to care for animals to the best of their ability utilizing the most natural and minimally invasive means possible. We feel strongly that it’s better to promote a preventative healthy lifestyle for our pets instead of taking a wait-and-see approach. We also fiercely advocate for the quality of animals’ lives, supporting animal rescues and welfare organizations both financially and through our editorial.

Course Includes

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