Quick Tips To Prepare For Your New Rescue Dog

Duration: 03:12

Quick Tips To Prepare For Your New Rescue Dog

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Course Description

Shelters are overflowing with felines of all ages and personalities. Taking some time to understand more about the different cat breeds will help you choose the right one for your lifestyle.
So, you decided to get a cat! Without a doubt, your new furry family member will add a great deal of joy to your life. But first you have to decide what type of cat to adopt! There’s a plethora of cat breeds out there and believe it or not, they all have unique personalities. Here’s how to find the right one for you.

Things to Learn

1. Prepare a safe and comfortable place

2. Start him on a healthy diet

3. Explore the house and the yard together

4. Introduce your new rescue dog to the family slowly

5. Schedule a visit to the vet

6. Let your new pet have some fun

7. Start training right away

Who this course is for:

Types of animal this course is for:

Quick tips to prepare for your new rescue dog
Course Includes


Mary is a devoted animal lover and animal rights activist, spending her spare time writing on motivational pet-related topics. She parents three rescue dogs and two cats, and advocates for every stray animal to find a lovely home.