Understanding Emotional Stress in Dogs

Duration: 04:33
Understanding Emotional Stress in Dogs
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Course Description:

None of us is a stranger to stress. It affects many levels of our lives, and it affects our dogs too!

Things to Learn:

Learn about emotional stress in dogs, including thoughts, perceptions and experiences, as well as how our own stress affects our dogs.


  • Veterinarian Dr. Barrie Sands received her DVM degree from Ross University in 1991. She achieved her CVA certification from IVAS in 2003, followed by advanced training in food and herbal therapies and homeopathy. Dr. Sands has been working at the VCA Emergency and Referral Center in San Diego since 1996 in the Emergency Critical Care department, and is head of the Integrative Holistic department. She is a certified trainer for the Institute of HeartMath. Dr. Barrie authored the book The Stupid Things My Human Does; True Stories from the Animal ER.

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