5 common ingredients to repel fleas and ticks

Duration: 04:12
natural flea and tick prevention
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Course Description

During flea and tick season, instead of reaching for chemical spot-on preventatives (which can do more harm than good), why not prevent your dog or cat from being bugged in a more natural fashion?

Things to Learn

Learn how to help keep fleas and ticks off your dog and cat with these five common ingredients.


  • AW ACADEMY is a natural extension of our 25 years of experience publishing Animal Wellness, Equine Wellness and Innovative Veterinary Care Journal. We believe that everyone has a responsibility to care for animals to the best of their ability utilizing the most natural and minimally invasive means possible. We feel strongly that it’s better to promote a preventative healthy lifestyle for our pets instead of taking a wait-and-see approach. We also fiercely advocate for the quality of animals’ lives, supporting animal rescues and welfare organizations both financially and through our editorial.

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