5 Important Questions To Ask When Choosing Supplements For Your Dog Or Cat

Duration: 3:47

5 Important Questions To Ask When Choosing Supplements For Your Dog Or Cat

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Course Description

Looking for the right supplements for your pet? Asking these five questions will help you make the best choice for his health.

Things To Learn

Learn the 5 important questions to ask when choosing supplements for your dog or cat; they’ll help you make the best choice for his health.

Who this course is for:

Types of animal this course is for:

Course Includes


Bill Bookout is president, board chairman, and a founding member of the National Animal Supplement Council, the world’s leading trade association representing manufacturers and suppliers of supplements for dogs, cats, and horses. Mr. Bookout was selected to serve on the Health Canada Expert Advisory Committee for Veterinary Natural Health Products and has been an ambassador for the industry for over 20 years