5 Ways to Reduce Pain in Aging Dogs & Cats Without Medication

Duration: 05:38

5 Ways to Reduce Pain in Aging Dogs & Cats Without Medication
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Course Description

Recognizing the common signs of pain in dogs and cats can help you promote their quality of life throughout the aging process.

Things to Learn

Learn how to recognize if your dog or cat is in pain and 5 ways to help relieve their pain without using medication.

Who this course is for:

Types of animal this course is for:


  • Dr. Angelique Barbara is a Doctor of Chiropractic who holds additional degrees in Veterinary Science (B.S.), Equine Science (Minor) and Veterinary Pathobiology (M.S.). Dr. Barbara has spent the majority of her life studying animals, and developed her first animal bodywork seminar in 2009. Since that time, her seminars have grown both in number and popularity and she has fine tuned her seminars and techniques to optimize the learning experience. Her background in both the clinical and research animal health care world as well her experience as a human chiropractor give her a unique perspective on animal bodywork, which is evident in her courses. Dr. Barbara has publications in the Journal of Veterinary Science and Microbiology and has presented her research at the Conference of Researchers in Animal Disease (CRAWD) and the International Equine Conference of Laminitis and Diseases of the Hoof. She is a member of Alpha Zeta Honorary Fraternity, American Quarter Horse Association, American Paint Horse Association and French Bulldog Rescue Network.

Course Includes

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