High Dose Vitamin C Therapy

Duration: 06:20

High Dose Vitamin C Therapy

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Course Description

When injected at high doses into a pet or person, vitamin C offers some amazing healing benefits and can even help treat cancer. In this video we take a look at why high doses of vitamin C are given intravenously, and how it can help with cancer and other health problems in dogs and cats.

Things to Learn

A look at the history of vitamin C therapy and how it can benefit your pet in many ways

Who this course is for:

Types of animal this course is for:

Course Includes


Veterinarian Dr. Tom Schell is a private practicing veterinarian and researcher in North Carolina, heading up research and product development for Nouvelle Research, Inc. His main interest in practice and research is the impact of inflammation on chronic disease and the use of herbs to help improve clinical outcomes. He may be reached at tschelldvm@gmail.com