Using Science-Based Horsemanship Touching And Making Contact With Your Horse.

Duration: 1:15:04

Using Science-Based Horsemanship Touching And Making Contact With Your Horse.
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Course Description

In this video, you will see West using Science Based Horsemanship to introduce a newly started Mustang to the concept of being touched.

Things to Learn

Using science to relax a new mustang to being touched. Teaching a newly started Mustang to relax and hold still under pressure of being touched. Relaxing your horse while under pressure.

Who this course is for:

Types of animal this course is for:


  • I have been studying the horses neurochemical nervous system for the past 10yrs. We have developed a Science Based Horsemanship program that addresses the horse requirements for learning. As you will see in the video presentations horses require a bit more time than we are typically giving them to process the stimulus during training and rehabilitation sessions. We developed this program based on scientific research on how and when horses learn.